Push Notifications Made Easy with Ntfy.sh: Examples in Go, Python, and JavaScript

Push Notifications Made Easy with Ntfy.sh: Examples in Go, Python, and JavaScript

Introduction Ntfy.sh is an open-source service that simplifies push notifications by offering a free-to-use HTTP-based API. With it, you can easily send messages or alerts to phones, desktops, or other devices via HTTP POST/PUT requests, without the need for API keys or complex setups. In this post, weโ€™ll walk through the basics of Ntfy.sh, followed by example code in Go, Python, and JavaScript. Weโ€™ll also explore additional features like message retention, attachments, and end-to-end encryption. ...

October 19, 2024 ยท 4 min
Golang Concurrency Guide

Golang Concurrency Guide - Goroutines, Channels, WaitGroups, and Mutex

Understanding Concurrency in Go Programming Language Welcome to this comprehensive guide on Golang concurrency! In this tutorial, weโ€™ll explore the basics of concurrency in Go, including goroutines, channels, waitgroups, and mutexes. What is Concurrency? Concurrency is the ability of a program to execute multiple tasks simultaneously. In Go, concurrency is achieved through goroutines, which are lightweight threads managed by the Go runtime. Goroutines allow you to run multiple functions concurrently, enabling parallelism and efficient resource utilization. ...

October 16, 2024 ยท 7 min